AAU Code of Conduct



  1. I will demonstrate positive support for all players, coaches, contest administrators and officials at every game and encourage other spectators to participate in the spirit of good sportsmanship.
  2. I will place the emotional and physical well-being of the athletes ahead of my personal desire to win.
  3. I will attempt to learn the rules of the game in order to be a more informed spectator.
  4. I will remember that the game is for the kids, not the adults. I will let the coaches coach, and will not contact players once they step on the court as doing so would distract the players and undermine the coach.
  5. I will be supportive after the game – win or lose – by recognizing good effort, teamwork and sportsmanship.
  6. I will remain mindful that my conduct influences the respect that other athletes, coaches, parents and the public hold for Project105 Athletics and our community.
  7. I will treat players, coaches, volunteers, officials and other parents and fans with respect regardless of race, sex, sexual orientation, or ability.
  8. I will not berate the officials or cheer in an objectionable manner.
  9. I will not use profanity or offensive language.  I will be respectful while players shoot free throws.
  10. I will accept the coach’s tactical decisions (player positioning, playing time, etc.) without complaint or debate, and express any concerns through proper channels in a dignified manner.
  11. I will avoid public disagreement with and/or criticism of my coach, referees, other parents, opponents or the program administrator. I will calmly communicated any questions, input, suggestions or concerns to the administrator in a dignified and adult manner.
  12. I will consider allowing for an appropriate amount of time (24 hours) to “cool down” before initiating any such conversations.




PENALTY: Parents and fans in violation of the above Code of Conduct may be temporarily or permanently banned from PROJECT105 ATHLETICS ACTIVITIES AND EVENTS.






  1. I will not berate or disrespect the officials, opposing coaches or our opponents.
  2. I will respectfully celebrate a nice play, but may not cross the line into taunting.
  3. I will support my teammates whether they are starting or not, new players or returning teammates.
  4. I will encourage and support my teammates when they are having an off-day or game.
  5. I will not use profanity or offensive language. I will be respectful while my opponent shoots free throws.
  6. I will not engage in unnecessary and/or excessive physical contact with my opponents.
  7. I will encourage good sportsmanship and demonstrate positive support for all players, coaches, contest administrators and officials.
  8. I will exercise self-control and place the well-being of my teammates and opponents ahead of my personal desire to win.
  9. I will treat all players, coaches, fans and officials with respect regardless of race, gender, sexual orientation or ability.
  10. I will remember that some players are not able to be apart of Project105 travel teams and that participating in the program is a privilege. It should not be abused by unsportsmanlike conduct, bad of disrespectful behavior or actions.
  11. I will remain mindful that my conduct influences the respect that other athletes, coaches, parents and the public hold for Project105 Athletics and our athletic programs.
  12. I will accept my coach’s tactical decisions (player positioning, playing time, etc.) without complaint poor body language, and express any concerns through proper channels in a dignified manner.
  13. I will respect the volunteers who are assisting with Project105 Athletics at all activities, events games, practices or in public. .
  14. I will be modest when successful and gracious in defeat.


PENALTY: Players and coaches in violation of the Code of Conduct may be temporarily or permanently banned from Project105 Athletics teams and activities and events.






Westchester County's Finest AAU Teams ,

Fitness and Youth Development Program!

Stone Avenue | Ossining, NY 10562

Tel. 914.760.7800 | info@prj105.com

© 2021-2022 PROJECT105 ATHLETICS. All Rights Reserved  |  FAMILY BY CHOICE


Stone Avenue

Ossining, NY 10562

